KAWAKAWA Macropiper excelsum – 9.4mg – Soothes the digestive system, kidneys, bowels, bladder and skin. Detoxifies the blood. Supports the salivary glands and gums. Supports joint mobility.
MANUKA Leptospermum scoparium – 9.4mg – Supports the digestive respiratory and urinary system. Soothes the skin. Supports breast tissue and aids the body’s normal response for temperature balance. Supports healthy sleep patterns.
PINATORO Pimelea prostrata – 0.8mg – Assists other herbs to soothe the respiratory system. Also to support joint mobility and healthy muscle tone. A synergistic herb used in very small quantities.
RATA Metrosideros robusta – 5mg – Especially soothing for the elderly and for children. May be used during convalescence and general tiredness. Supports muscle and joint comfort. Aids the bowel. May be used as a mouthwash.
TARATA Pittosporum eugenioides – 7.4mg – May be used as a throat and mouthwash. Cleans the breath. May be put into a bath for joint and muscle comfort.
TAWA Beilschmiedia tawa – 7.4mg – Supports the digestive and respiratory systems. Soothes the skin.
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