Organic India Liver Kidney Care nourishes, supports and rejuvenates both the liver and the kidneys. These two vital organs work together as a powerful detoxification team, reducing toxicity, cleansing the blood, and supporting healthy fat metabolism. Liver Kidney formula protects the body from free radical damage and stress and supports normal, healthy liver and kidney function.
This unique herbal formulation in Liver Kidney Care is comprised of Organic Bhumyamalaki Whole Herb (Phyllanthus Niruri), Organic Punarnava Root (Boerhavia diffusa) and Katuki Rhizome with root (Picrorhiza Kurroa)
From Haiti to Fiji and all throughout India, Bhumyamalaki has been used for millennia to support liver and kidney health while supporting a myriad of other aspects of wellness. Punarnava has a “fountain of youth” reputation in it, in fact, its very name means that. Katuki is considered by many of the best herbalists to be the best liver herb they know, as it directly supports liver function and also liver allies like glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Where many herbs depend on polyphenols and antioxidants, these herbs can offer that as well as many potent alkaloids which significantly “ups the ante”.
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